There’s a bit of a back story to how we ended up in Roatan…
Lana and I have been feeling led to give back to those in greatest need for some time. God revealed James 1:27 to us over the last few months, where God calls us to care for those in greatest need. To follow this calling we have made some big decisions over the last few months. Specifically, Lana quit her job of 8 years to come work with me (Philip) in the recruiting industry. My work allows for much greater flexibility and enables us to respond as God reveals his plan. It’s amazing the support and encouragement that we received in taking this leap of faith. Our family, friends, church, and co-workers have been incredibly supportive.
During this time of transition, we began feeling called to serve side-by-side with missionaries who were already doing great work. Lana began searching for Christian volunteer opportunities abroad. After searching through literally hundreds of organizations, one stuck out to us. We both have a heart for kids and I (Philip) grew up playing soccer. Care 4 Communities in Roatan, Honduras seemed to be a perfect fit for us. C4C serves the community of La Colonia through English education and soccer ministries.
We contacted C4C on July 1st. After filling out an application and exchanging a few emails with Kerry and Mike we were confirmed to leave for Roatan on August 15th for 1 month. Lana and I have been in Roatan for a few days and have already fallen in love with the children that attend Casa de Luz. We will be sharing more details about the school, staff, and community in our next blog. One thing we can already clearly see is that God is using C4C in a BIG way here in Sandy Bay, Roatan. Many lives are being changed as C4C shares the love of Christ with the community of La Colonia.