Counting Down the Days!
In less than 4 weeks the Board will be back in Roatan! It is always such an exciting time to stop and reflect at how much God has done. Going back to the same location every year, we get to see with our own eyes how an empty plot of mountain has been transformed and we can’t help but say “wow, God!” One of the requirements to serve on the C4C Board is that each director must visit and work on the island. It is our opinion that to truly serve a community, you should see, hear, taste and experience that community. So with days ticking by, all members are in gear-up mode for our yearly visit. Theresa has her logistic hands full getting our team of 14, supplies, and resources organized. Wayne has his list and is checking it twice to find out which construction projects will make the cut. Linda is going through her files of teaching ideas to support and encourage Ms. Lyz. Art is in touch with Hector setting up meetings to invest in the court leaders. Chris is counting ministry pennies to make sure budgets are intact. Nate is making sure the back ends of our social media network is operating smoothly so we can share their story. And as for me, I’m focused on being support staff and keeping in touch with Ms. Lyz and Hector as the designated Spanish speaker. We have never officially introduced the C4C Board, but this is who we are. We are seven regular people who love Jesus and are so humbled that God lets us be a part of what He is doing through a little blue school house and soccer court on the side of a mountain surrounded by ocean.
Gloria and the C4C Board