Towards the fall of 2018, our local Pastor, Oswaldo, told us about a Bible-based camp on the mainland of Honduras. He thought it would be great for some of our older boys to go and get away from the influences of the island, giving them some physical and spiritual space to explore their faith. Camp was not part of our original budget and at $285 per participant, we honestly weren’t sure if we could make that kind of commitment. But a quick reality check helped put things in perspective….we have been praying for these boys for years to come to the sweet realization and acceptance of God’s love for them. This was an opportunity for that to happen so why were we hesitating?
While we hesitated, the boys did not. Junior organized a group and began fundraising efforts on the island. They barbecued and sold meals with the help of the women of the local church, and offered a movie night. Their initiative combined with our reality check, prompted us to action. If the boys were selling meals to raise funds on the island, then we would partner with them by selling desserts here in the USA.
By the first week of January, all the funds were raised and Pastor Oswaldo and his family accompanied the boys to camp. There would be seven total who would go – Junior, Gabriel, Luis, Ariel, Carlos, Henrry, and Debic. Two of the boys are very young in their Christian faith, while the remaining five were still exploring.
Camp was fun and life-changing. Four of the boys committed their lives to the Lord and have come back wanting to encourage and share with their peers. They thrived during the week and took home some awards – best camper, best athlete, best room and of course they won the soccer tournament that was held. The experience was so impactful that they are beginning their fund-raising efforts in February in the hopes of raising enough funds to take more boys in January 2020.
We are thankful that God still moves even if we hesitate. Please continue to pray for these seven boys specifically – that their faith would grow deep roots and the ripple effect this week of camp has had on their lives would continue to grow and spread.
With love,
Gloria and the C4C Board