Hindsight is 2020
What a tremendous opportunity 2020 was for growing in our faith. The world as a whole, all the way down to the 150 families connected to our school and court, had to learn how to navigate unknowns while standing firm on the knowledge that God is still God and securely sitting on His throne. None of the world events came as a surprise to Him and knowing that gave us comfort. Closed borders, no work, quarantine, fear, no food, no resources to pay for the needs of life – our friends had to learn how to manage these things. There were no food banks or government stimulus checks available to them. But a beautiful thing began to happen, God’s people mobilized. All over the island, God’s people began setting up food distributions and were given open doors to minister to His people.
Working in this community, the needs can be overwhelming, almost suffocating at times. We use our mission statement to focus us on what God has called us to do. But 2020 was a year to set that all aside and look out for one of the basic necessities of life – physical nourishment. Due to the pandemic, all our programs were cancelled so we were able to focus our efforts on just making sure people were able to eat. March 16th will be the one-year mark of consistently, steadily providing grocery staples to 150 families. God has been faithful, you have been generous, and we are so thankful.
As 2021 lays before us, there still may be unknowns that face us, but undoubtedly, God knows. So even though we have some loosely sketched out ideas for the year ahead, we lay them all before the Lord and ask Him what He wants done – whether we are operating in pandemic or not, seeking His will for His ministry for His people never changes.
Gloria and the C4C Board.